Timothy Havenpenny Obituary, Ohio man died of scarlet fever: A community is in grief following the untimely death of Timothy Havenpenny, a beloved Ohio resident, from complications stemming from acute scarlet fever. As they struggle with the loss of a beloved friend, family member, and neighbor, his sudden departure has cast a shadow over those who knew him.
With a calm disposition and unshakable kindness, Timothy was a man of integrity. He always went above and above to provide comfort and assistance to those in need, demonstrating his sincere concern for other people in every interaction. Timothy impacted many people’s lives with his unselfish acts of kindness, whether it was by offering a helping hand or a listening ear.
Timothy loved his family beyond all else. He was a dedicated husband and father. Taking care of his family and making cherished experiences with them was something he was very proud of. Those he loved found refuge in his house, which was always a place of laughter, love, and warmth.