Stephen Hill Death, Beloved Father Passed Away In His Sleep: We mourn the untimely departure of Stephen Hill, a cherished son, partner, and friend whose radiant presence illuminated the lives of all who knew him. With heavy hearts, we reflect on the precious moments shared, the love given and received, and the indelible mark Stephen left on our hearts.
Just days ago, amidst the joy of celebrating a milestone a son’s graduation in San Diego, our hearts were full, brimming with pride and happiness. Little did we know, it would be our last weekend together, filled with cherished memories that now stand as a testament to the love and laughter Stephen brought into our lives.
On May 12, as the world slept, Stephen peacefully departed, leaving behind a legacy of love and kindness that will forever echo in our hearts. Though his physical presence may be gone, the memories we shared remain etched in the fabric of our being, a source of comfort and solace in the midst of sorrow.
In honor of Stephen’s life and the love he bestowed upon us, we will gather to pay tribute and celebrate his memory on Monday, May 20, at 10:30 a.m. at Suncreek United Methodist Church in Allen. It will be a time to come together, to share stories, to find solace in each other’s embrace, and to honor the beautiful soul that touched our lives in countless ways.
Though our hearts ache with the pain of loss, let us take comfort in the knowledge that Stephen’s spirit lives on in the memories we hold dear and the love that binds us together. Rest in peace, dear Stephen. You will be deeply missed, but your love will live on in our hearts forevermore.